Panoramica del treno ad alta velocità Alstom

Il treno Alstom è un treno proiettile che corre sulla linea da San Pietroburgo a Helsinki. Questo treno ad alta velocità collega la capitale della Finlandia con la metropoli della Russia settentrionale in un breve viaggio di 3 ore e mezza. Il treno espresso Alstom è una delle opzioni più apprezzate dai viaggiatori in quanto offre servizi moderni, numerose partenze giornaliere e il vantaggio indiscutibile di espletare la procedura di controllo doganale direttamente in viaggio, facendo risparmiare molto tempo.


Quick facts about the Alstom train

  • Brevi informazioni sul treno Alstom
  • Lunghezza del treno: 184 m e 80 cm
  • Lunghezza vagone: 27 m
  • Larghezza: 3 m
  • Sistema/i elettrico/i: 25 kV 50 Hz CA
  • Produttore del treno: Alstom
  • Inserito in servizio: nel 2010
  • Operatori: Russian Railways (Russian Railways) e VR Group
  • Numero in servizio: 4
  • Velocità massima: 220 km/h (140 mph)

Cos'è la stazione Alstom di San Pietroburgo?

La stazione ferroviaria di Alstom a San Pietroburgo è la Stazione di Finlyandsky situata nel centro della città.


Cos'è la stazione Alstom di Helsinki?

Nella capitale della Finlandia, il treno parte e arriva alla stazione centrale di Helsinki, situata nel cuore della città.


Classi di viaggio a bordo di Alstom

Il treno ha due classi di viaggio, Prima e Seconda, a volte denominate Business ed Economy. I posti nei vagoni di prima classe sono disposti due per uno. I vagoni di seconda classe sono molto simili ma hanno sedili in tessuto disposti a due a due.

Piantina posti Alstom

Piantina posti Alstom


Servizi di bordo Alstom

Per comodità dei viaggiatori, snack e bevande sono venduti nel vagone bistrot del treno. Nella 7a carrozza vi è un'area giochi per bambini. I treni Alstom offrono molto spazio per i bagagli e dispongono di bagni in ogni vagone. Inoltre, il personale del treno parla tre lingue, tra cui finlandese, inglese e russo. Inoltre, il WiFi di Alstom è disponibile gratuitamente. Forse, il più grande vantaggio in termini di risparmio di tempo è che il controllo doganale delle frontiere e il controllo del passaporto vengono effettuati dagli agenti durante il viaggio. Nota: questo treno da Helsinki a San Pietroburgo non ha un regime di esenzione dal visto e sarà necessario presentarlo quando si attraversa il confine.


Fermate e orari dei treni Alstom

Tutto il viaggio in treno dura in media 3 ore e mezza. Il treno Alstom parte da Helsinki o San Pietroburgo ed effettua brevi fermate lungo il percorso: Vyborg, Vainikkala, Kouvola, Lahti, Tikkurila. L'orario dei treni Alstom è molto flessibile, con circa 4 partenze al giorno in ciascuna delle tratte. Ulteriori informazioni sui percorsi: treno Allego da Helsinki a San Pietroburgo e, viceversa, da San Pietroburgo a Helsinki.


Prezzi dei biglietti Alstom

Il prezzo per il biglietto di un treno Alstom dipende dalla classe di vagone prescelta, nonché dall'orario di partenza e dal giorno della settimana. Di norma, i prezzi partono da circa 85 USD.


Travel Classes Onboard Alstom Train

  • Classe Business

    This class on board the high-speed Alstom train is the most comfortable one of the two available classes. There is usually one car of this class in a trainset, it is equipped with wider leather seats with folding tables and extra legroom with 1 by 2 arrangement, some of the seats are set 2 by 2 around tables. The seats are adjustable, have armrests, footrests, and lights for reading. There is free WiFi in the car, newspapers, electricity plugs, air-conditioning, coat and luggage racks, overhead shelves for smaller bags, as well as 1 bathroom per car. One hot meal is included in the ticket price, unlimited tea and coffee are available at the coffee station, you can also purchase extra drinks and food in the in the Restaurant Car or from food carts. What is more, the border crossing customs procedure is taken care of on the go, saving time.
    The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins.
    Mask is required

  • Classe Business

    This class on board the high-speed Alstom train is the most comfortable one of the two available classes. There is usually one car of this class in a trainset, it is equipped with wider leather seats with folding tables and extra legroom with 1 by 2 arrangement, some of the seats are set 2 by 2 around tables. The seats are adjustable, have armrests, footrests, and lights for reading. There is free WiFi in the car, newspapers, electricity plugs, air-conditioning, coat and luggage racks, overhead shelves for smaller bags, as well as 1 bathroom per car. One hot meal is included in the ticket price, unlimited tea and coffee are available at the coffee station, you can also purchase extra drinks and food in the in the Restaurant Car or from food carts. What is more, the border crossing customs procedure is taken care of on the go, saving time.
    The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins.
    Mask is required

  • Classe Economy +

    This class on board the high-speed Alstom train is the simpler one of the two available classes. As a rule, there are 5 cars of this type in a trainset, equipped with seats arranged 2 by 2 with folding tables; some of the seats are set 2 by 2 around tables. The seats are adjustable, have armrests, footrests, and lights for reading. There is free WiFi in the car, air-conditioning, several electricity plugs, coat and luggage racks, overhead shelves for smaller bags, as well as 1 bathroom per car. Seats for passengers with special needs as well as those who are traveling with kids or pets are also available, there's also a children's area. No meals are included in the ticket price, unlimited drinking water is available, nevertheless, it is possible to buy snacks and beverages from food carts or in the Restaurant Car. What is more, the border crossing customs procedure is taken care of on the go, saving time.
    The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins.
    Mask is required

  • Classe Economy +

    This class on board the high-speed Alstom train is the simpler one of the two available classes. As a rule, there are 5 cars of this type in a trainset, equipped with seats arranged 2 by 2 with folding tables; some of the seats are set 2 by 2 around tables. The seats are adjustable, have armrests, footrests, and lights for reading. There is free WiFi in the car, air-conditioning, several electricity plugs, coat and luggage racks, overhead shelves for smaller bags, as well as 1 bathroom per car. Seats for passengers with special needs as well as those who are traveling with kids or pets are also available, there's also a children's area. No meals are included in the ticket price, unlimited drinking water is available, nevertheless, it is possible to buy snacks and beverages from food carts or in the Restaurant Car. What is more, the border crossing customs procedure is taken care of on the go, saving time.
    The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins.
    Mask is required